#Precious2017 March

Bulan Maret, saya banyak pergi ke banyak tempat. Mencoba hal baru yang belum pernah saya lakukan atau pergi ke tempat-tempat baru yang belum pernah saya kunjungi. Menyenangkan karena bertemu dengan orang-orang baru, memperkaya rasa, dan menambah teman. Here they are, my fun March!

Absen tahunan di Java Jazz Festival 2017

In this year Java Jazz Festival. Super happy and excited with this year festival. Lebih rapi dan memuaskan.

Best moment versi saya selama Java Jazz Festival 2017 hari kedua, Sabtu, 4 Maret 2017 bisa dibaca di sini. Musisi-musisi ini sangat saya idolakan. Selain musiknya berkualitas, penampilan mereka ini juga sangat luar biasa.
Malam Minggu kali ini indah. Full of energy and always miss to come back here. Thanks for the wonderful moments, Java Jazz Festival 2017.
There's nothing better than live music. It's raw energy and raw energy feeds the soul.  Dhani Jones

Jatuh cinta dengan segelas Kopi Sana

2 glasses of Kopi Susu Sana and a glass of Kopi Hitam Sana for today. Thanks @sana.house for the good coffee and comfy ambiance.

Drink good coffee here.

Meetup with nice and awesome people, the family of @trivia.id

The excitement of listening "The Look of Love" in many versions becomes my current mood

From many musicians' arrangements, this one (Chris Botti feat. Sy Smith) becomes one of my favourite arrangements. It turns into sexy, jazzy and upbeat tune. I came to their performance and enjoyed their collaboration some years ago in Java Jazz Festival. Their collaborations and performances are truly splendid.
Another splendid arrangement I listened in live performance was done by my favourite musician, Adra Karim, in this year Java Jazz Festival. Then, it was played by Grammy nominated Ron King with his big band, Ron King Big Band with Margie Segers in vocal. In this performance, it turned into special, sweet and lovely big band style. The arrangements of Indonesian musician was played by a group of veteran. Nggak kalah keren!
Glad to have them as sweet experiences.

Trivia di Local Fest 2017

With @trinitytraveler, Gala Premiere film @trinitythenekadtraveler

Nonton film ini rasanya kaya dibawa jalan-jalan. Mas @rizalmantovani juara!!! Suka banget sama sinematografi dan musik-musik di filmnya. Ceritanya juga menginspirasi banget. Selamat, Trinity dan tim. Thanks to @agungsaputrabm and @tujuhbintangsinema for inviting. Sukses selalu semua.

Bersama guruku. One of my inspirations in writing. 

She always transfers me energy and passion in writing. Today she also inspired many women in Gedung MPR RI. We celebrate International Women's Day by supporting each other in order to be active, productive, inspiring and give contributions for people around us. Thanks for the inspirations, supports and always love you, Ibu @naningpranoto.

Chris Botti dan Yo-Yo Ma, best collaboration

Denger kolaborasi satu ini antara Chris Botti dan Yo-Yo Ma speechless. Merinding abis! Ini Gokiiiillll!!!!! Hope to get the experience of enjoying their live collaborations one day.

Jumpa dengan keluarga Soca, Meps, dan Beps

I escape from Jakarta for some days. Visiting @kineruku this weekend feels so special with meeting these people, @soca_so, Meps @reda.gaudiamo and Bebs. Keluarga yang seru. I like your book, "Aku, Meps, dan Bebs" and the fun stories you have. Thanks for this lovely day.

Menikmati sunset cantik milik Jakarta hari ini 

Nengokin Jakarta Creative Hub

I visited this place some weeks ago because of my own curiosity. I shared my experiences when being there in hereHope it can help you. Just in case, you want to know this place more or if you want to visit it.

Traveling by train becomes so special as always

Seeing this kind of scenery is something that you cannot see everyday in Jakarta. It reminds me to my childhood. When I always asked my dad to bring me to rice fields by bicycle. What a lovely day! Now, the harvest moon is coming.

With kakak-kakak kece, the awesome people behind @nulisbuku, Kanca, Jogja

Bersama salah satu penyair idola, Aan Mansyur. Thanks for sharing and for the inspirations, Aan.

Fall in love with Snarky Puppy

Breathtaking. Just a word can describe this kind of experience of listening to this one by Snarky Puppy. Hope to be one of the audiences of this live recording. Awesomeness!
Find the feeling of THIS 'breathtaking' by listening and watching this video. I totally believe we can feel more than this if we enjoy it in live performance. What a dream!

A magical moment and experience with this song

I listened to this one in radio last night. A musician, who I adore, became one of announcers in this moment. He recommended the listeners to enjoy this one. I listened it well without knowing the song title and the musicians who played the arrangements. But, the feeling of knowing well the piano style of certain pianist came to my mind immediately.
After the song has finished, I sent a message to the musician who recommended this one to listen to. I asked the song title and I wrote that I really felt familiar with the piano style. The style that I believe belongs to Taylor Eigsti, a pianist who I 'felt in love with' from the very first time I saw him play his piano some years ago in a jazz festival. This musician (who recommended to listen to this song) laughed and told that it's not only feeling of finding a similarity, it's truly Taylor Eigsti plays the piano. He amazed I know it without looking at the video, but only by listening. I amazed it as well. I simply felt it and felt close because I often listened to Taylor's.
From this one, I get to know that Taylor has a certain character. The good and special one is someone who has a character that can represent him/herself. Thing that can differentiate him/her from others. He does it with all his loves to music. And others can feel it. You do it when you sincerely listen, feel and love as he loves what he does.
Ada saja kesempatan yang datang untuk bisa menemukan sentuhan seni. Sekali pun ketika menyusuri gang-gang sempit di sudut-sudut tersembunyi Jogja

Kedatengan teman-teman mahasiswa jurnalistik. Thanks for visiting @trivia.id

Having a good moment with this web series, Sore. Nice ending. Ketawa lepas banget liat endingnya. But, so sweet!

Dare to perform, Braga, Bandung
Just for fun. Rasa ngamen malem Minggu di Braga.
Warung Kopi Purnama. Sipped the good taste of kopi Medan here. What a legendary place.
One fine afternoon at #AkuMepsdanBeps' Bincang Buku, @kineruku

Lagu indah mengalun syahdu. Ditemani cuaca baik sore itu. Layaknya keluarga sedang berkumpul, kami ditemani musik, teh hangat, dan camilan sederhana di taman belakang rumah. Miss this moment.

Menikmat senja indah di tengah riuhnya ibu kota

Have you ever tried to walk alone? Passed the streets which you never passed by walking before? I did it this afternoon and found fun things on the way home. I found things I didn't know and I never thought they could be there. Even I passed them everyday. I got new perspectives by doing it differently and seeing it closely.

Doing it slowly and closely makes me find other things which I never imagine before. Thanks God for this opportunity and experience.

Me time with Beauty and The Beast

Buat saya yang besar dengan kisah-kisah Disney dan memang selalu suka cerita-cerita beginian, nonton film ini rasanya kaya dibikin bergetar hatinya sepanjang film. Terutama kalau denger musik-musiknya dan ketika menikmati kisah bagian klimaks sampai menjelang akhir. Rasanya pengen nangis di momen-momen ini (maaf anaknya lebay dan drama bgt. Kisah Disney dan musik-musiknya itu selalu di hati memang. Thanks @disney for giving wonderful memories and experiences in our lives.

Mengingat Keroncong Tenggara

Saya kira Keroncong Tenggara ini adalah salah satu berliannya musik yang Indonesia punya. Dilihat dari tiap personelnya yang udah ngga diragukan lagi kemampuannya. Masing-masing personel udah punya nama besar dan punya musikalitas yang ngga main-main.

Harusnya makin banyak musik Indonesia yang begini, menonjolkan identitas Indonesia. Keroncong Tenggara ini mengawinkan keroncong dengan jazz dan klasik (based on musik yang saya dengar pas dateng ke live performance mereka).
Musiknya kaya banget. Indonesianya dapet, modernnya dapet. Pernah berkesempatan nonton live perfomancenya dan merinding abis dengernya. Sepanjang nonton saya senyum-senyum sendiri. Masih ngga banyak musik begini saya pikir di negara kita. Moga-moga makin banyak anak muda Indonesia yang ngikutin jejak mereka ini. Ngga malu dan ragu menonjolkan keIndonesiaan dalam karya-karyanya

Mendadak reuni sama lovely Bu @nana.tamam.7 and @mmquestlino. Having a jazzy night with lovely people. See you soon.

Menyesap satu ingatan, satu malam di Paviliun 28

Thank you, March!

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